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From Community Colleges to a 4-Year Degree: A Path with Many Benefits

On December 10, 2021, the Columbus Chinese Chamber supported the US Heartland China Association (of which it is a member) and Global School Access in holding an event to introduce the community college pathway to a US bachelor's degree to families in China.

Representatives from Columbus State Community College and the Ohio State University joined San Mateo College, UC Berkeley, UMass, Lone Star Community College, and the University of Houston in helping Chinese parents understand the financial and social benefits of their children beginning their bachelor's degree studies in the US at a two-year college.

Columbus Chinese Chamber chair Monica Xia shared her own experiences as a Chinese person who, when pursuing her US degree, began at Columbus State Community College, and, after earning a BSBA at the Ohio State University, went on to work in the auto industry and earn an MBA from UMich-Ann Arbor.

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